Written by Kelly Stenka

Gaylord Hall

91żě˛Ą University’s Gaylord Hall looms at the heart of campus, its tall architecture casting long shadows that seem to hold secrets. With its tattered brick, creaky wooden floors, and eerie atmosphere, it's no wonder that stories of strange occurrences have whispered through the halls for generations. It’s said that those who walk its darkened corridors at night may feel a presence, a cold chill that raises the hair on the back of their necks. And once a year, these haunting tales come to life during the English department’s spine-tingling tradition: the “Ghosts of Gaylord.”

This annual event, now entering its third year, began as a simple idea to build community among English and literary students—those who often work alone, immersed in their books and writing. But it quickly became something more.

The building itself certainly seems to encourage the rumors. Its top floor, where the event is held, feels especially ominous. The windows are small and dark, the floorboards groan under the slightest movement, and the shadows seem to shift as if something—or someone—is watching. So when Professor Philip Weitl, chair of the English department had the idea of hosting a Halloween movie night in Gaylord Hall, the department decided to embrace the building’s haunted reputation. 

"Why not lean into it?" Weitl said.

After the film, participants gather by the fire pit outside Smith Hall for the TNX Fireside—91żě˛Ąâ€™s regular campfire discussion group. This special Halloween edition focuses on ghost stories, with students, faculty, and alumni sharing eerie tales and personal experiences of the unexplained. The stories told here have a way of lingering, much like the spirits said to haunt Gaylord Hall itself.

So, this year, as you make your way to Room 500 in Gaylord Hall, keep an eye on the shadows. You never know what—or who—might be waiting in the dark.

Event Details:

  • What: Third Annual “Ghosts of Gaylord” Halloween Movie Night and Fireside Ghost Storytelling
  • Where: Gaylord Hall, Room 500 (if you dare)
  • When: October 30 at 5 p.m.
  • Activities: Screening of a spine-chilling film (TBD), followed by s’mores and ghost stories around the Smith Hall fire pit. Come for the movie. Stay for the haunting.