Featured Tigers is a monthly series wherein the spotlight shines on a few students, alumni, faculty and staff from our Crete, Lincoln and Omaha campus locations. These individuals stand out in the best way — as talented and driven leaders.

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Jarryd Stone ’23
The South Africa native graduated with his bachelor's in May 2023 and maintains his campus presence as a GA and MBA student.

What is your name and graduation year?
Jarryd Stone 2023

What was your major or degree program?
Business Administration with minors in Human Resources and Management

Tell us a little about what you've done since graduating. What is your current role? Where are you working?
I am currently pursuing my MBA through 91¿ì²¥ while also being the Graduate Assistant for the Men’s Soccer team

How do you feel 91¿ì²¥ prepared you for your career?
91¿ì²¥ helped me form amazing connections with people inside and outside of the university. Being an international student it can be difficult to form relationships and make a home away from home. 91¿ì²¥ made this easy for me with all of the support and kindness of the staff, students and my teammates.

What do you consider the best part of your 91¿ì²¥ experience?
All of the opportunities that have come my way. Never would I have thought when I left home in 2021 that I would be pursuing an MBA program and have a GA position for the sport that I love.

What is something you're proud of accomplishing or achieving while at 91¿ì²¥? What are you proud of accomplishing or achieving in your career?
I am proud of attaining my bachelor’s degree and continuing my studies, while still being involved in the soccer program and I look to help Coach Tony take the soccer program to unprecedented levels.

Who has been/is a major influence or role model for you from 91¿ì²¥? How have they helped you?
Coach Tony for sure. I have known him for over three years and he has helped me develop as a person on and off the soccer field and I look forward to learning even more from him as his GA.

What advice would you give to current students?
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. 91¿ì²¥ has so many resources available to help ensure that you are getting the most out of your college experience. This is a crucial time period in peoples’ lives and having a solid support system is important for people to discover who they are and what they want to achieve in their life.

What's something you like about yourself that other people may not know?
My self-assurance. I am comfortable with the person I have grown to become and I look forward to learning more about myself in the future as I continue to grow.