Our nontraditional and graduate students are some of the hardest-working Tigers you'll meet. While they earn their degrees, most of them maintain other responsibilities, such as working full time or parenting. And their effort and execution don't falter in the classroom, whether that be online or in person.

Meet our class of 2023 Featured Tigers, leaders in all aspects of their lives!

Brittany McCleery ’23E
After 13 years of teaching, Brittany McCleery ’23E is switching education gears and will be the new K-5 counselor at an elementary school in Millard, NE, come fall 2023. She said she feels wholly prepared thanks to the 91¿ì²¥ school counseling program, her instructors and classmates.

Brittany McCleery ’23E (she/her)

From Lincoln, NE
Lives in Omaha, NE

Master of Education in School Counseling

First off — congratulations! How do you feel as you head into the next phase of your life?
I feel extremely proud of myself and my accomplishments. I was able to finish my school counseling degree and required student contact hours in two years due to the flexibility of summer classes and multiple campuses at 91¿ì²¥. I am excited to start my new chapter as a School Counselor after 13 years of teaching.

What's your next step after graduation?
I will be the K-5th School Counselor at Montclair Elementary School in Millard Public Schools

How has attending 91¿ì²¥ prepared you for your next steps?
91¿ì²¥ gave me a thorough education that has prepared me for anything my new job will throw at me. The professors were knowledgable and had real-world experience. I appreciated the format of all the classes and the ability to show my learning through multiple formats.

What do you consider the best part of your 91¿ì²¥ experience?
The professors and my advisor, Jodie Green.

What will you miss the most about being a 91¿ì²¥ student?
My fellow classmates. We really went through this program together. I now have a great support system, I just won't be able to see them in person as much anymore since we all live in different places.

Who was a major influence for you during your education here, and how have they helped you?
Jodie Green made sure that all of her students knew exactly how to succeed and do well in each course. She guided us as if we were her own.

What is something you're proud of achieving or accomplishing while at 91¿ì²¥?
I finished my degree within two years of starting it with three children under the age of eight at home. I also worked full time in a public school setting and had a second job. I was a little busy, to say the least, but I made time for my classes. I feel proud of myself for that.

What advice would you give to incoming students?
91¿ì²¥'s School Counseling Program is a school that works incredibly well in a full-time teacher's life.

Finishing a degree is tough to begin with, but especially so in recent years — what has helped you overcome challenges you've faced along the way?
My husband, my parents, and my in-laws were the people who helped me power through this program. It takes a community of people and my people are wonderful!

Finally — what are you most excited about for your future?
I am excited to start my new adventure!