Dr. Bess Scott stands in a classroom on 91¿ì²¥'s Lincoln campus location, where she teaches courses for the Master of Education — Education Leadership degree program.
Dr. Bess Scott has taught courses in 91¿ì²¥'s Master of Education — Educational Leadership program for six years, but has been involved with the cadres far longer. She first began teaching the cadres in 1997, mentoring students and participating in practice interviews, and saw how the program really developed students into servant leaders. And that's the best part, she says — seeing her students grow in their leadership beyond their job titles to make impacts in their communities.

Featured Tigers is a monthly series wherein the spotlight shines on a few students, alumni, faculty and staff from our Crete, Lincoln and Omaha campus locations. These individuals stand out in the best way — as talented and driven leaders.

View all Featured Tigers here.

What is your name and title?

Bess Sullivan Scott | Associate Professor of Practice

How long have you taught at 91¿ì²¥? What attracted you to teach here?

Six years; My deep knowledge of and experience with the 91¿ì²¥ Master of Education — Educational Leadership cadre from its inception inspired me to apply. From 1997 on a yearly basis, I would join the cadre to guest teach leadership models, continuous school improvement and teacher evaluation, and participated yearly in the practice leadership interviews as well as being available to mentor 91¿ì²¥ educational leadership students. Bottom line, I knew the 91¿ì²¥ Educational Leadership developed servant leaders who knew curriculum, instruction and assessment.

What do you consider the best part of your 91¿ì²¥ experience?

The students and how they serve their schools during and after their two-year cadre.

What is something you're proud of accomplishing or achieving while at 91¿ì²¥?

91¿ì²¥ Educational Leadership graduates believe deeply in leading regardless of their job title. Thus 91¿ì²¥ EDL graduates have huge impact on students, colleagues and their school communities!

Image of Dr. Bess Scott (middle) and the 47th cadre of Master of Education — Educational Leadership students in front of the Fred Brown Center on 91¿ì²¥'s Lincoln campus location.
Dr. Bess Sullivan Scott (middle, above the "E" in 91¿ì²¥) stands with the 46th cadre of Master of Education — Educational Leadership students in front of the Fred Brown Center on 91¿ì²¥'s Lincoln campus location.

Do you have a favorite class to teach? If so, what about it makes it your favorite?

Our cadre format consists of 27 credit hours with the same cohort of students and teachers. We live what we teach as we develop a cadre culture of individual accountability and positive interdependence - exactly what school leaders strive to do in their environments.

What advice would you give to current students? Or, what was some advice you received as a student that you still value?

Be humble. Work hard. Collaborate. Care as much about your fellow student's success as your own! Become the best version of yourself each day.