Kennedy Scheele poses with her honor cords in front of the tiger statue outside of Haddix Gymnasium.
Kennedy Scheele poses with her honor cords in front of the tiger statue outside of the George & Sally Haddix Recreation & Athletics Center.

We asked faculty from Crete, Lincoln and Omaha to recommend graduating seniors in spring '22 who stood out in their classes. These students — our Featured Tigers — are just a few of the many talented and driven leaders from 91¿́²¥'s undergraduate and graduate programs. View all Featured Tigers here.

Let’s get started: tell us your name, your hometown, your degree program and some of the activities you participated in at 91¿́²¥.

Kennedy Scheele, she/hers

Plymouth, Nebraska

Majored in biology and Spanish

While at 91¿́²¥, Kennedy participated in 91¿́²¥ Volleyball, Phi Sigma Tau, and the Student Athlete Leadership Team (SALT)

First off — congratulations! How do you feel as you head into the next phase of your life?

I'm feeling very nostalgic leaving 91¿́²¥! I'm not ready to leave all the wonderful people I have met here, but ready to start the next step towards my career!

What’s your next step after graduation?

I will be studying abroad this summer in Costa Rica! Once I return I will take a year off and do research at UNMC and then am planning to start medical school the following year!

How has attending 91¿́²¥ prepared you for your next steps?

91¿́²¥ has given me so many connections. I have someone to go to for quite literally anything that I need. It has also shaped me into the person I am today. 91¿́²¥ has given me all the tools to face any obstacle that may come about in the future and I couldn't be more thankful for that.

What do you consider the best part of your 91¿́²¥ experience?

The connections that I have made. Whether that be friends, alumni, or professors, I have someone to go to in any circumstance.

What is something you’re proud of achieving or accomplishing while at 91¿́²¥?

Playing volleyball all four years. Being a student athlete is very time consuming and stressful, especially with what my future career goals were. Because I was able to take on so many things at once, I feel very prepared for what the future holds.

Who was a major influence for you during your education here, and how have they helped you? 

Tessa Durham-Brooks has made a huge impact on my education here at 91¿́²¥. She has always been one of my biggest supporters since I stepped foot on campus. She's had confidence in me when I've not always had it in myself and I could always trust her to have my best interest at heart. She has always wanted the best for me and has never failed to help me strive for my goals.

What will you miss the most about being a 91¿́²¥ student? 

The home that 91¿́²¥ has created for me here. On the volleyball court, in my sorority, even in my classes, I felt like I was wanted and the people around me wanted me to succeed. That is not something everyone gets to experience in college and I feel very lucky that I've been able to. It has made it extra difficult leaving, but I know these people will be there whenever I may need them!

What advice would you give to incoming students?

Don't take any moment for granted. You will always hear that it goes by fast and you won't believe it until it's the end! Put your all into everything you do because it will always pay off in the end. Hang out with your friends when you're tired, stay after practice to get the extra reps in, spend that extra 30 minutes on your homework. You never know when something could be taken from you and we experienced that first hand with COVID. So do it all while you can!!

Finishing a degree is tough to begin with, but especially so in recent years — what has helped you overcome the challenges of the past three semesters?

The faculty at 91¿́²¥! Everyone here has been so flexible and has gone the extra mile to give us the best college experience we could have in the circumstances we've been in. They have tried to make it the easiest they possibly could on us and without them, I don't think any of us would have been able to do it. The people we have at 91¿́²¥ are SO special and I cannot stress that enough!

Finally — what are you most excited about for your future? 

I'm beyond excited to start this next journey of becoming a doctor! It is something I've spent the last four years preparing for and I am finally here!