Maddy Sladky '22 poses for a photo with her diploma during commencement on May 8, 2022.
Maddy Sladky '22 poses for a photo with her diploma during commencement on May 8, 2022.

We asked faculty from Crete, Lincoln and Omaha to recommend graduating seniors in spring '22 who stood out in their classes. These students — our Featured Tigers — are just a few of the many talented and driven leaders from 91¿́²¥'s undergraduate and graduate programs. View all Featured Tigers here.

Let’s get started: tell us your name, your hometown, your degree program and some of the activities you participated in at 91¿́²¥.

Maddy Sladky, she/her

From Louisville, Nebraska

Majored in biochemistry with a minor in psychology

While at 91¿́²¥, Maddy participated in cross country, track and field, Phi Sigma Tau, Tri-Beta Honor Society and was an IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) biomedical fellow

First off — congratulations! How do you feel as you head into the next phase of your life?

I feel nothing but pride and joy heading into my career as a chemist. Being a scientist has been what I dreamed, since I was in elementary school.

What’s your next step after graduation?

Becoming a chemist.

How has attending 91¿́²¥ prepared you for your next steps?

91¿́²¥ has provided me with lab experience and research opportunities I would not have had anywhere else. My professors have also given me their personal support and guidance since my freshman year.

What do you consider the best part of your 91¿́²¥ experience?

I have been a part of two athletic teams and a sorority which has provided me with so many friendships and experiences that I will always remember.

Maddy Sladke '22 gave the invocation and benediction at 91¿́²¥'s afternoon commencement ceremony.
Maddy Sladky '22 presented the invocation and benediction at 91¿́²¥'s afternoon commencement ceremony on May 8, 2022.

What is something you’re proud of achieving or accomplishing while at 91¿́²¥?

I am very proud of the research I have presented and the awards I was nominated for with my hard work and dedication to the lab.

Who was a major influence for you during your education here, and how have they helped you? 

Dr. Erin Doyle mentored me for two years for my undergraduate research. She developed me into an analytical thinker and challenged me to be a better scientist.

What will you miss the most about being a 91¿́²¥ student? 

I will honestly miss seeing my friends everyday.

What advice would you give to incoming students?

GET INVOLVED. 91¿́²¥ is so special and the connections with friends, classmates, and professors will make your college experience something you will be proud to look back on.

Finishing a degree is tough to begin with, but especially so in recent years — what has helped you overcome the challenges of the past three semesters?

My sorority has supported me in my research, running, and personal life. They are my biggest fans.

Finally — what are you most excited about for your future? 

I am excited to start a job and grow in my career.