Featured Tigers is a monthly series wherein the spotlight shines on a few students, alumni, faculty and staff from our Crete, Lincoln and Omaha campus locations. These individuals stand out in the best way — as talented and driven leaders.

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Tami Brinkhoff ’24L
Tami Brinkhoff ’24L graduated summa cum laude with a degree in human relations.

What is your name and graduation year? 
Tami Brinkhoff - 2024

What was your major or degree program?
Human relations

Tell us a little about what you've done since graduating. What is your current role? Where are you working?
I am taking some time off to figure out what I want to do next.

How do you feel 91¿ì²¥ prepared you for your career?
I feel my courses provided me with growth and understanding, enabling me to look at a few different career paths.

What do you consider the best part of your 91¿ì²¥ experience?
The best part of my 91¿ì²¥ experience is the knowledge I have gained, my personal growth, and relationships with instructors and other students.

What is something you're proud of accomplishing or achieving while at 91¿ì²¥? What are you proud of accomplishing or achieving in your career?
As a first generation graduate, I am proud of my accomplishment of graduating. I was pleasantly surprised with the additional honors at graduation. With this accomplishment, it has given me the confidence to pursue other positions with more responsibility.

Who has been/is a major influence or role model for you from 91¿ì²¥? How have they helped you?
Jean Klinoski has, and is, a major influence. Her encouragement and insights are most apppreciated!

What advice would you give to current students?
Do not give up! Keep going until you reach the finish line!

What's something you like about yourself that other people may not know?
How much I enjoy and crave learning.