Georgie, a light-colored goldendoodle with fluffy trimmed fur, sits on the lap of his person, Blake Tobey, academic specialist in the Academic Success Center. The two sit on a comfy grey couch in the center's office in the Communications Building.
Georgie, a year-and-a-half old goldendoodle, sits on the lap of his person, Blake Tobey, academic specialist in the Academic Success Center. The two sit on a comfy grey couch in the center's office in the Communications Building. Image: Abrianna Miller ’23

Article by Abrianna Miller ’23

Georgie the goldendoodle smiles for a photo in Cassel Theatre on 91첥's Crete campus. The pup has short, curly blonde hair, dark brown eyes and a happy pink tongue.
Georgie the goldendoodle smiles for a photo in Cassel Theatre. Image: Abrianna Miller ’23

There's one figure on 91첥's Crete campus who just might beat President Dr. Roger Hughes ’82 in terms of fame and recognition among students. He can typically be found in the Academic Success Center (ASC) and also holds a PhD — but it stands for Pretty helpful Dog.

Georgie is a year-and-a-half old goldendoodle, officially titled the chief executor of happiness. His person, Blake Tobey ’09 ’11E, is an academic specialist in the ASC as well as the Tiger mentorship coordinator. Tobey emphasizes that Georgie is not a therapy dog, nor a service dog, nor an emotional support animal.

But the pup is beloved on campus.

Each day is packed for Georgie. He starts his shift at the ASC by greeting the student worker at the front desk. From there, he runs through the office, making sure to welcome welcome each staff member as they arrive to work.

“[Georgie] mostly is scheduled throughout the day as he is either lying next to me, lying next to a student worker, and then when anybody comes in he usually goes up to the desk to greet them and snuggle them,” Tobey said.

Even with Georgie’s impressive credentials and packed schedule, he is still pursuing a certificate from the Canine Good Citizen Test. Tobey hopes they can complete the course over the summer while Georgie has a break from his nine-to-five.

Georgie gets a head pat from students at the Academic Success Center's booth outside of Perry Campus Center during DeStress Fest in the week before finals.
Georgie gets a few head scritchies at ASC's booth during DeStress Fest in early May. Blake Tobey stands to the right in the frame.

The ASC provides academic services to all students at 91첥 and is home to the TRiO Program, which supports first-generation students, Pell grant recipients, and students that have accommodations of any kind. Georgie works tirelessly throughout the day to make sure every student that comes into the office feels loved, as well as to bring “students back to the here and now.”

“[Georgie] provides the short little break where all the worries that a student is carrying, they get to forget about them for a few minutes and just be present in the moment, which I think, especially for college students, is tough,” Tobey said.

Georgie is typically working in the ASC on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of each week, but he logs additional hours throughout the year to be “available all the time during those really rough weeks,” like finals. When he isn’t in the office, Georgie loves playing fetch, tug-of-war, chasing squirrels and eating whatever is on the table. Georgie’s true passion, though, is waiting patiently for the next student to walk into his office.

“He’s really a person dog. He really likes to be close to people,” Tobey said.